I started writing a book yesterday, yes it might seem like a thing of the moment that won't last long, but I hope it's not. I'm guessing, for me, writing a book might help me a lot, maybe express more what I hide inside me. The name of the book is "Death and all it's values" and as an inspiration I took the Hansel and Gretel story by the Grimm Brothers. The story is more about a life long lesson in which my main character partakes in only to have, in his last moments of life, what he truly desires. I'm on my first chapter; I gotta say, I'm a bit nervous when i write, not because of the way i write or ideas, but of the grammatical errors. I want it to be as much captivating as possible and if grammar is bad the the story will seem annoying. So as a reference to Hansel, the main character gets lost in his world, he thought he left something behind to help him find his way back, but its's gone and he feels captured in something more powerful than him. Gretel will represent his responsibilities in life which he has no escape from as a human. The "cannibal" eventually catches him but he merely escapes all to find out that there's nothing left.
The idea of the book, for me, seems nice, don't know if i'll ever finish it, but if I do, I hope Field will like it.
(conclusion: don't leave trails of crumb, cannibals can eat bread too)
I'm simply artificial, as are all of u, don't expect good grammar, i don't really concentrate on that when i write
Friday, 12 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
I am starting to really hate people with expectations, people that are formed to rule over you.They teach you one thing and expect you to be able to do something that might have a certain resemblance to what you were thought but which, in fact, is totally different. They give birth to these ideas in their head that makes them believe that you are truly stupid, that you are incapable of performing their desired actions when , in fact, it's their fault for not being able to make the difference between certain objects and actions which they expect you to partake in just fine. Maybe they are too unconcious to realize that they are actually doing this for a later on excuse. I will tell you an example from parenting: when a father teaches you to ride the bicycle, he is happy while he is doing it, you are happy , but happiness isn't always what we need, let me ask, do u really need to learn how to ride a bike? No, but you do it for fun, or go pro which is for captivating audience to win money in which case you do need to learn how to ride a bicycle although this is the type of decision you take later on in your life. You father teaching you how to ride the bicycle was the spark and that's fine, i don't expect your father to teach you how to flip or climb mountains with that bike. What I don't understand is why, after they gave you a spark, do they not expect the fire to spread. If your gonna go pro and your gonna work your way up, you WILL fail a few times , it's just the way it is, why do they expect you to do it perfectly. It's like, hey kiddo I'm gonna teach how to ride a bicycle cause that's a typical god father, the rest, the things that you really need in which i want you to succeed, well...you figure those out on your own.
I can't help but wonder why on earth are we so small minded, after millions of years of evolution, WTF is this. We fail at things and instead of trying to figure out how to do it better, to try and learn from our mistakes and "evolve" we look at other failures and go by their example like a bunch of idiots.
Humor told me that people are close minded , silly little Humor as if he's not close minded, get it, cause he's in my head( I am am so funny).
Anyways, I'm a bit tired of complaining to you Field, I'm probably gonna go slumber in my thoughts with Humor while you go at with your sad life ( in conclusion Humor wants to be a father)
I can't help but wonder why on earth are we so small minded, after millions of years of evolution, WTF is this. We fail at things and instead of trying to figure out how to do it better, to try and learn from our mistakes and "evolve" we look at other failures and go by their example like a bunch of idiots.
Humor told me that people are close minded , silly little Humor as if he's not close minded, get it, cause he's in my head( I am am so funny).
Anyways, I'm a bit tired of complaining to you Field, I'm probably gonna go slumber in my thoughts with Humor while you go at with your sad life ( in conclusion Humor wants to be a father)
I have decided that, since i have a name (Grass) u deserve one too so i decided for u because u do not have a say in this because i decided so. You readers shall be my field, big field in which i can expand, and grow in you( that was a bit perverted but u get the point). My green field will be so full of grass that it will become grass itself and it shall not be field anymore but giant grass. It's a bit like an invasion, me invading ur mind and taking over, simple, right? So Field , for every post i
make and every post u read a blade of grass grows in
u and for every blade of grass that grows in u the more I get in ur head, the more I fuck u up and the more control i take, but fucking u up is a good thing, after i have invaded u shall look like this :
Now, doesn't that look pretty, don't u just look nice. Field i'm starting to really like the way u look after i take over.
The title says humor and u might take this as a joke
but , no, this is not a joke and humor is my imaginary friend inside my head which is amused by everything in life and finds humor in anything. He is the one giving me ideas to write so next time i mention Humor i'm referring to him. I feel like a priest today, blessing all of u with such pretty names. I bet that Humor and Field shall get along just fine...just fine...(sigh)
(sooo....in conclusion the grass is always greener for Humor)
make and every post u read a blade of grass grows in

Now, doesn't that look pretty, don't u just look nice. Field i'm starting to really like the way u look after i take over.
The title says humor and u might take this as a joke
but , no, this is not a joke and humor is my imaginary friend inside my head which is amused by everything in life and finds humor in anything. He is the one giving me ideas to write so next time i mention Humor i'm referring to him. I feel like a priest today, blessing all of u with such pretty names. I bet that Humor and Field shall get along just fine...just fine...(sigh)
(sooo....in conclusion the grass is always greener for Humor)
I was online in on my messenger account the other day and a friend of mine's status popped up saying that it changed. What it changed into was the word "muh'fucker" , now i looked at it and wondered, is she incompetent, is she stupid, she knows not grammar? But then i realized, yes she is stupid and incompetent. Now, don't get me wrong, she has good grades at school, but that doesn't really help her out in this situation. U see what's happening nowadays is that a new gender of music comes out, and let's say it's rap. Now the only people that can truly sing rap are the ones that don't really have talent and that's black people and a few retarded whites that are black wannabes. So black person starts singing and what does he do in his music videos? He put puts in giant necklaces he is so successful and he can afford giant block of gold to put on his neck. They put expensive cars, and of course it's to send that message, i got all of this from rapping. Well, he did, and u know why? Because morons like u admire the success he has in life and better yet the "pain" he shows in his song, it's something u can relate to. Yes, morons, go relate to someone who grew up in a tribe like neighborhood with nothing to eat and the only way to survive was to commit crime. Now u relate, u buy their "shit" they get their money, they expand and what happens is, they are so successful in ur eyes, and yet so bad at grammar and pronouncing words that it becomes a new language for u and millions of other idiots. So now the word mother fucker is for haters and the word "muh'fucker" is the new thing that u must go by if u wish to continue being an idiotic piece of shit(rap fan). Bad grammar just became trendy, u know what i think i might make my own language, ill rent some cars, some hookers, make them dance on the cars and i'll recite a poem and make a friend of mine beatbox in the backround , how does that sound? (conclusion? bleah...black people are so smart they reinvent ur culture )
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